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Ranked as 38659 on our all-time top downloads list with 213 downloads.
Ranked as 12878 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename slimshell.zip (Download)
Title SlimShell
Description My latest creation has been born, SlimShell. A new and improved version of zShell for the TI-84 Plus CE calculators. This small shell is packed with new features and introduces a new design to adapt and fit your needs for a shell. Nothing too complicated, SlimShell can get the job done for what you need accomplished. This version includes some new features: 3 new themes for the user interface, Error Handler, Rename Programs, App Variable Support, Faster startup, Cemetech Easter Egg... All under 10,000 bytes with Celtic CE. This version contains Build 2 of SlimShell. Note: The two screenshots contain two different versions of SlimShell. The first one is the first build, and the second gif is the second build.
Author Naga Serpentis (biohazard1282@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Misc. Programs
File Size 775,335 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Jun 19 16:44:38 2023
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
SlimShell/SlimShell.png   4103
SlimShell/Read Me.txt   4201
SlimShell/Screenshots/Demo.gif   372536
SlimShell/Screenshots/CEMETECH Menu Selection.png   3018
SlimShell/Screenshots/Dark Menu Selection.png   3044
SlimShell/Screenshots/Error Code Screen.png   2714
SlimShell/Screenshots/File Menu.png   4014
SlimShell/Screenshots/Loading.png   2347
SlimShell/Screenshots/Main Selection.png   3042
SlimShell/Screenshots/Option Menu.png   4001
SlimShell/Screenshots/Sort Menu.png   3796
SlimShell/Screenshots/Type Menu.png   3227
SlimShell/Screenshots/Build 2 Demo.gif   109398
SlimShell/Screenshots/Demo.png   428732
SlimShell/Files/SlimShell.8Xp   9218
SlimShell/Files/CelticCE-BETA.8xp   28148
SlimShell/Concepts/Colors.txt   574
SlimShell/Concepts/Sort.txt   967
SlimShell/Concepts/Toolbar menu.txt   427
SlimShell/Concepts/Shell.png   676
SlimShell/Concepts/b.xcf   49457
SlimShell/Concepts/a.xcf   49079
SlimShell/Concepts/aa.xcf   27383
SlimShell/Concepts/bb.xcf   28915
SlimShell/Concepts/cc.xcf   23995
SlimShell/Concepts/c.png   308492
SlimShell/Concepts/a.png   308492
SlimShell/Concepts/b.png   308492
SlimShell/Concepts/bb.png   308492
SlimShell/Concepts/c.xcf   41754
SlimShell/Concepts/aa.png   308492
SlimShell/Concepts/cc.png   308492

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