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xFiles 1.03 [Update]


Ranked as 38371 on our all-time top downloads list with 489 downloads.

Filename xfiles.zip (Download)
Title xFiles 1.03 [Update]
Description [Update] xFiles is a program that is built on top of File Manager. This program is intended to replace the past generations of this program. xFiles contains more features that aren't included in past versions, features such as list editing/management, group extraction/management, list editor, list back-up, and quicker file copying. Read the Read Me.txt file in xFiles/Text Documents. --- For problems, fill out the form here... https://forms.gle/jnzSX2r6LehEsaGJA --- Bugs have been fixed. It should be okay now. This program is 12.5kB, so be sure to have at least 2,700 bytes of RAM before continuing. Zip is 5.5MB
Author Naga Serpentis (biohazard1282@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities/System)
File Size 5,738,408 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Apr 8 17:58:26 2020
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
xFiles/Screenshots/screenshot.png   596
xFiles/File Manager/Screenshots/3.png   1838
xFiles/File Manager/Screenshots/4.png   2727
xFiles/File Manager/Screenshots/2.png   2039
xFiles/File Manager/Screenshots/image3.gif   305718
xFiles/File Manager/Screenshots/5.png   1875
xFiles/File Manager/Screenshots/image1.gif   512773
xFiles/File Manager/Screenshots/1.png   2250
xFiles/File Manager/Screenshots/Example 1.gif   684237
xFiles/File Manager/Screenshots/6.png   708
xFiles/File Manager/Screenshots/image2.gif   573482
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.88.2/MANAGER.8Xp   6859
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.88.2/Updates.txt   1729
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.82.3/MANAGER.8xp   6713
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.82.3/MANAGER.8xg   6847
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.85.9/New Updates.txt   1659
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.85.9/MANAGER.8Xp   8861
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Other files/GROUP.8Xo   4110
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Other files/BATTERY.8Xp   991
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Other files/BATTERY.8Xo   1068
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Other files/LIST.8Xo   2710
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Other files/STARTUP.8Xo   1031
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Other files/UNSQUISH.8Xo   1283
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Other files/SPAM.8Xo   905
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Other files/About.txt   972
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Other files/BasicOS/BasicOS 7.3 Example.gif   1473637
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Other files/BasicOS/BASICOS.8xg   8063
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Other files/BasicOS/BASICOS.8xp   7935
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Other files/BasicOS/Read Me.txt   3237
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.84.1/MANAGER.8xp   7347
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.84.1/GIFs/Demo 83+ 1.19.gif   512773
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.84.1/GIFs/Demo 84+ 2.55MP.gif   573482
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.84.1/GIFs/Demo 84+ 2.40.gif   305718
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.84.1/MANAGER.8xg   7481
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.87.5/Manager2.gif   850368
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.87.5/MANAGER.8xp   7160
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.87.5/New Updates.txt   974
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.87.5/Manager.gif   1866894
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 3.81/MANAGER.8xp   4187
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 3.81/MANAGER.8xg   4321
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.86.7/New Updates.txt   1012
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.86.7/MANAGER.8Xp   7712
xFiles/File Manager/Files to send/Ver 4.86.7/MANAGER.8Xo   7846
xFiles/File Manager/Text Files/Read Me First.txt   4367
xFiles/File Manager/Text Files/Source Code.txt   11190
xFiles/File Manager/Text Files/Updated Source Code.txt   19862
xFiles/File Manager/Text Files/About.txt   140
xFiles/Versions/1.01/xFilesUp.8Xv   10695
xFiles/Versions/1.02/xFilesUp.8Xv   10859
xFiles/Versions/1.03/xFilesUp.8Xv   12668
xFiles/Versions/1.03/1.03 Source.txt   19004
xFiles/Versions/1.00/1.00 source.txt   15758
xFiles/Versions/1.00/xFilesUp.8Xv   10556
xFiles/Text Documents (READ)/New Copy Method.txt   367
xFiles/Text Documents (READ)/xFiles Updates.txt   940
xFiles/Text Documents (READ)/Read Me.txt   11907
xFiles/Required Files/XFILESUP.8Xp   808
xFiles/Required Files/Why are these required.txt   755
xFiles/Required Files/CELTIC3.8xk   36718
xFiles/BasicOS/Version 2/BASICOS.8Xp   5572
xFiles/BasicOS/Version 2/INPUT.8Xp   1018
xFiles/BasicOS/Version 1/BASICOS.8Xp   7935

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