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Battle 84 & CE


Ranked as 36686 on our all-time top downloads list with 966 downloads.
Ranked as 4143 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.

Filename battle84ce.zip (Download)
Title Battle 84 & CE
Description A turn-based game where two players fight and hope to defeat the other player. The objective is to last in battle longer than your opponent. Pick up items, throw rocks at your opponent, become stronger and use cheap moves. Battle your way to victory or flee from the other player. The 84+ version can run on the 83+/SE and 84+/SE. The CE version can run on the CE and CSE. If you have any problems, suggestions, or comments, please fill out the form in Google Forms. https://forms.gle/d3V2Wfm6onq7ZG7W8
Author Naga Serpentis (biohazard1282@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing/Battle)
File Size 511,677 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Feb 17 22:28:56 2020
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Battle 84 & CE/Other Info.txt   773
Battle 84 & CE/Battle 84/Source Documents/BATTLE84.txt   1319
Battle 84 & CE/Battle 84/Source Documents/BATTP1.txt   7162
Battle 84 & CE/Battle 84/Source Documents/BATTP2.txt   7168
Battle 84 & CE/Battle 84/Source Documents/BATTPRA1.txt   510
Battle 84 & CE/Battle 84/Source Documents/BATTPRA2.txt   510
Battle 84 & CE/Battle 84/Demo.gif   450639
Battle 84 & CE/Battle 84/Battle 84 READ ME.txt   6948
Battle 84 & CE/Battle 84/Programs/BATTLE84.8xp   922
Battle 84 & CE/Battle 84/Programs/BATTLOAD.8xp   404
Battle 84 & CE/Battle 84/Programs/BATTP1.8xp   5472
Battle 84 & CE/Battle 84/Programs/BATTP2.8xp   5472
Battle 84 & CE/Battle 84/Programs/BATTPRA1.8xp   354
Battle 84 & CE/Battle 84/Programs/BATTPRA2.8xp   354
Battle 84 & CE/Battle 84/Programs/BATTSAVE.8xp   364
Battle 84 & CE/Battle 84/Demo 83+SE.gif   237037
Battle 84 & CE/Battle CE/BATTLECE.txt   1755
Battle 84 & CE/Battle CE/BATP1.txt   5827
Battle 84 & CE/Battle CE/Battle CE READ ME.txt   5938
Battle 84 & CE/Battle CE/Demo CSE.gif   40408
Battle 84 & CE/Battle CE/BATP2.txt   5790
Battle 84 & CE/Battle CE/Programs/BATP1.8xp   4467
Battle 84 & CE/Battle CE/Programs/BATP2.8xp   4458
Battle 84 & CE/Battle CE/Programs/BATTLECE.8xp   1286
Battle 84 & CE/Battle CE/Groups/BATTLECE.8xg   10104
Battle 84 & CE/Battle CE/Groups/BATTLECE2.8xg   10104
Battle 84 & CE/Battle CE/Groups/BATTLECE3.8xg   9311
Battle 84 & CE/HopOver 1 & 2/HOPOVER.8xp   791
Battle 84 & CE/HopOver 1 & 2/HOPOVER2.8xp   1374
Battle 84 & CE/HopOver 1 & 2/HOPOVER.8xg   2140
Battle 84 & CE/HopOver 1 & 2/HOPOVER.8Xo   2140
Battle 84 & CE/HopOver 1 & 2/Celtic 3.8xk   36720

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