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Group Extraction Pro


Ranked as 38502 on our all-time top downloads list with 388 downloads.
Ranked as 20858 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename group.zip (Download)
Title Group Extraction Pro
Description I know it sounds like the exact same as the normal UN-GROUP with [2nd]+[7]+[Up]+[Enter]+[Right], but this is different. If no existing files are in RAM or Archive, the TI-OS un-group tool automatically un-groups everything in the group, quickly filling up RAM. Then after certain files you don't want, you have to go to the Management Menu and delete un-needed files one by one, which can get annoying. But this tool allows you to extract files seperatly, and choose whether you want them in RAM or Flash ROM. Some other things that the TI-OS un-group tool does not allow you to do is view the files in the group. This program let's you take a peek inside groups. It also counts the amount of files inside and the size of the group.
Author Naga Serpentis (biohazard1282@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities/Data)
File Size 18,926 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Aug 14 15:20:11 2019
Documentation Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
group/Celtic 3.8Xk   36718
group/GROUP.8Xo   4110
group/GROUP.8Xp   3978

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