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Token Finder+ / Buscador de fichas+


Ranked as 38503 on our all-time top downloads list with 384 downloads.
Ranked as 22067 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename tokenfinder.zip (Download)
Title Token Finder+ / Buscador de fichas+
Description Token Finder is a special tool for accessing inaccessible tokens on your graphing calculator that you couldn't do in pure TI-BASIC. Meaning, you can get any token or ASCII character you ever dreamed of on your calculator. A Spanish version of the read me and program has been made, so feel free to check it out if you read Spanish! VERSION 3.5 UPDATE: [(1)Faster Selection; blinking cursors in menus and selections removed] [(2) Icons; to represent different options and menus.] [(3) Download All; instead of saving a single hex value entry one-by-one at one at a time, you can download all of them to program TOKENS at once.] [(4) Decreased memory size] [(5) Simplified messages and descriptions in menus and selections.] Please take a look at the program for the new updates installed! ONLY THE ENGLISH VERSION HAS BEEN UPDATED. PLEASE ALLOW TIME FOR THE SPANISH VERSION TO BE UPDATED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE.
Author Naga Serpentis (biohazard1282@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities/Data)
File Size 29,957 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jul 10 01:12:38 2019
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Token Finder+/English/Read_Me_Before_Sending.txt   9555
Token Finder+/English/scrot.png   1357
Token Finder+/English/scrot2.png   1311
Token Finder+/English/TOKEN.8Xp   4330
Token Finder+/Celtic 3.8Xk   36718
Token Finder+/Español/TOKEN.8Xp   4916
Token Finder+/Español/Léeme antes de enviar.txt   9565

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