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Opossum Massage Simulator CE: Abridged Edition (2016)


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Ranked as 27139 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename opossuma.zip (Download)
Title Opossum Massage Simulator CE: Abridged Edition (2016)
Description This is a CE remake of my CSE game Opossum Massage Simulator and this time it is written using ICE Compiler language instead of hybrid TI-BASIC. This is an unnoficial sequel to Hong Kong 97 for the Super Nintendo. This time, Bruce Lee's relative Chin returns for a new adventure that involves opossum massaging. It is widely known that opossums have the instinct to repel aliens. You can now practice your opossum massaging skills on the TI-84 Plus CE! Requires the CE libraries at http://tiny.cc/clibs . (Note: Some content was removed from this version. The uncensored version can be found on CodeWalrus or TI-Planet.)
Author Dream of Omnimaga (omnimaga@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus CE Assembly Games
File Size 26,015 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Dec 8 00:52:50 2016
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
OPOSSUMA.8xp   24963
readme.txt   2073
Source Code/OPOSASRC.8xp   45047
Source Code/OPOSASRC.txt   45514

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