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[Axe] Reuben Quest: Ev Awakening


Ranked as 27674 on our all-time top downloads list with 2123 downloads.

Filename evawakening.zip (Download)
Title [Axe] Reuben Quest: Ev Awakening
Description After weeks of programming, with a huge pause in between, here it finally is: The Axe remake of DJ Omniamgas popular Basic RPG "Reuben Quest: Ev Awakening". The Axe remake features flicker-less 4 level grayscale and it is also able to run on a regular TI-83+! With its 35503 bytes it is also way smaller than the original, but doesn't lack any features of it at all. Hope you'll enjoy it!
Author Sorunome (mail@sorunome.de)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Games
File Size 51,414 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jun 4 20:10:03 2014
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Thomas Gomes
Reviewed on 2014-05-21
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

This game was an overall amazement at the amount of new speed and performance this version of the game has, compared to the original. I remember playing the original on the TI-83+, and it was so slow, I thought many times that I shouldn't finish the game. Now that is no longer an issue. The gameplay is smooth and the story is the same.

Since this was made on Axe, you no longer have to Memory Clear the calculator (on the TI-83+) in order to put this game in. It uses a mere and approximate 45000 bytes. It also uses less RAM from the original! Lastly, the game is a neatly compiled app that's easy to access. There's not really a lack of features that can be said, since its only an enhancement to the "awesome" level. It even has its own graphics setting you can mess with.

Controls- 9/10 The controls are easy and compact. Though I will have to say I needed to press a button twice or more in order for it to work, but that happens rarely.

Gameplay- 10/10 The game had a massive boost in speed and performance. It added a boost of awesomeness and made me immediately put the game into my calculator.

Graphics- 10/10 Although the sprite for Reuben changed, the graphics still (overall)stayed the same with the classic greyscale. If you don't like the way the graphics are at, there is always a graphic settings button that you can change to your liking.

Story- 10/10 It's still the same as the original.

Lasting Appeal- 9/10 I wouldn't mind playing this game again and again. Its a worthy enhancement of a masterpiece to play.

Verdict- 9.5/10

I would recommend this game to any RPG fan, and I can't wait to see the enhancement of the sequel to this game.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
0R1MAP.8Xv   8128
0R1SENE.8Xv   6630
0R1SP.8Xv   1836
0R1STR.8Xv   2122
0RFONT.8Xv   676
Reuben.8xk   39528
Source/App/TEXT.8Xp   391
Source/App/SREUBEN.8Xp   353
Source/App/GRAYLIB.8Xp   4842
Source/App/ENEMIES.8Xp   501
Source/App/TILEMAP.8Xp   175
Source/App/SAY.8Xp   347
Source/App/DYNMAPS.8Xp   508
Source/App/MOVE.8Xp   2990
Source/App/AREUBEN.8Xp   4183
Source/App/BATTLE.8Xp   3094
Source/App/SHIFT.8Xp   132
Source/Appvars/A.8Xp   523
Source/Appvars/Strings/STRINGS.8Xp   3926
Source/Appvars/Sprites Enemy/SENEMY.8Xp   13637
Source/Appvars/Maps/MRUINS.8Xp   1824
Source/Appvars/Maps/R1MMAP.8Xp   4540
Source/Appvars/Maps/WORLD.8Xp   921
Source/Appvars/Maps/MEVPALAC.8Xp   5513
Source/Appvars/Maps/RIMOMAP.8Xp   1242
Source/Appvars/Maps/MCAVE.8Xp   2988
Source/Appvars/Sprites/SPRITESD.8Xp   1166
Source/Appvars/Sprites/SPRITESC.8Xp   962
Source/Appvars/Sprites/SPRITESB.8Xp   962
Source/Appvars/Sprites/SPRITES.8Xp   125
Source/Appvars/Sprites/SPRITESA.8Xp   965
readme.txt   1128

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