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mySpire (boot graphics editor)


Ranked as 29853 on our all-time top downloads list with 1882 downloads.
Ranked as 21575 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename myspire.zip (Download)
Title mySpire (boot graphics editor)
Description For TI-Nspire CX and TI-Nspire CM. (for TI-Nspire ClickPad and TouchPad, boot graphics are hardcoded in the Boot1 and Boot2) Lets you edit a Manuf data dump file. You'll need to dump and reflash the file with another tool (nsNandMgr for example). Note that you cannot insert your own graphics, because the image data flow is signed. But you can customize each one of the twelve boot graphics elements: move, resize, distort, invert colors...
Author Xavier ANDREANI (andreanx@hotmail.com)
Category TI-Nspire Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 547,901 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Nov 27 03:57:47 2013
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
mySpire/menu.png   13668
mySpire/mySpire.tns   144552
mySpire/README.txt   1557
mySpire/sample.png   25754
mySpire/source/booteditor.c   11159
mySpire/source/booteditor.o   10636
mySpire/source/browse.c   18179
mySpire/source/browse.h   55
mySpire/source/browse.o   7812
mySpire/source/charmap.c   14222
mySpire/source/charmap.h   89
mySpire/source/charmap.o   3777
mySpire/source/config.h   119
mySpire/source/console.c   1707
mySpire/source/console.h   458
mySpire/source/console.o   2600
mySpire/source/dirlist.c   1351
mySpire/source/dirlist.h   124
mySpire/source/dirlist.o   1504
mySpire/source/imgdump.c   3647
mySpire/source/imgdump.h   56
mySpire/source/imgdump.o   3076
mySpire/source/Makefile   608
mySpire/source/screen.c   8236
mySpire/source/screen.h   974
mySpire/source/screen.h.gch   626940
mySpire/source/screen.o   7432
mySpire/source/s_screen.c   576034
mySpire/source/s_screen.o   115897
mySpire/source/tools.c   3545
mySpire/source/tools.h   394
mySpire/source/tools.o   5252
mySpire/source/touchpad.c   3362
mySpire/source/touchpad.h   337
mySpire/source/touchpad.o   3860

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