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AutoCalc 4.0


Ranked as 5501 on our all-time top downloads list with 6744 downloads.
Ranked as 577 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 18 downloads.

Filename autocalc.zip (Download)
Title AutoCalc 4.0
Description An engine which tries to find out a matching exact form for each one of your calculations. Uses some asm subprograms. Does include a quadratic equation solver based on that engine.
Authors Matthew Young (the_wiseguy007@hotmail.com)
Xavier ANDREANI (andreanx@hotmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Math Programs
File Size 236,847 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Mar 8 23:18:07 2013
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Anjalee Narenthiren
Reviewed on 2019-04-23
It did not work on my Ti-84 Plus CE Calculator. Whenever I tried to use the program, it returned the error "Attempted to use a variable or function where it is not valid." Any ideas?


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Archive Contents
Name Size
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/AUTOCALC.83p   582
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Y1AUTOCA.83p   257
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Y1POLYST.83p   2346
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Y1PRINTO.83p   2294
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Z1EXP.83p   204
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Z1FRAC.83p   242
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Z1FRCASM.83p   179
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Z1NUMSTR.83p   454
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Z1RACASM.83p   243
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Z1RACFRA.83p   571
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Z1RAX.83p   769
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/AUTOCALC.83p   604
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Y1AUTOCA.83p   345
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Y1POLYST.83p   3145
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Y1PRINTO.83p   2661
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Y1SYSTEM.83p   1079
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Z1EXP.83p   204
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Z1FRAC.83p   242
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Z1FRCASM.83p   179
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Z1NUMSTR.83p   464
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Z1RACASM.83p   243
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Z1RACFRA.83p   571
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Z1RAX.83p   766
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/AUTOCALC.8xp   299
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Y1AUTO.8xp   527
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Y1AUTOCA.8xp   344
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Y1POLYST.8xp   3104
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Y1PRINTO.8xp   2597
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Y1SYSTEM.8xp   1075
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Z1EXP.8xp   205
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Z1FRAC.8xp   241
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Z1FRCASM.8xp   126
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Z1NUMSTR.8xp   466
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Z1RACASM.8xp   249
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Z1RACBAS.8xp   131
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Z1RACFRA.8xp   494
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Z1RAX.8xp   770
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/ZRESOURC.8xp   563
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/ZRESRCES.8xp   195
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/AUTOCALC.8xp   685
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Y1AUTOCA.8xp   353
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Y1POLYST.8xp   3744
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Y1PRINTO.8xp   2663
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Z1EXP.8xp   206
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Z1FRAC.8xp   244
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Z1FRCASM.8xp   180
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Z1NUMSTR.8xp   466
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Z1RACBAS.8xp   135
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Z1RACFRA.8xp   501
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Z1RAX.8xp   772
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/ZOOMINT.8xp   261
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/ZOOMINTX.8xp   90
AutoCalc4.0/autocalc.txt   35629
AutoCalc4.0/autocalc3.gif   106517
AutoCalc4.0/data/autocalc30.gif   76323
AutoCalc4.0/data/calc.html   4595
AutoCalc4.0/data/poly.gif   63864
AutoCalc4.0/data/poly.html   1981
AutoCalc4.0/data/syst.gif   17072
AutoCalc4.0/data/syst.html   1369
AutoCalc4.0/index.html   2840
AutoCalc4.0/license.txt   487

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