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gpSP-Nspire Alpha 0.11 (Gameboy Advance emulator)


Ranked as 154 on our all-time top downloads list with 52050 downloads.
Ranked as 38 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 42 downloads.
Ranked as 230 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.32.

Filename gpspnspire.zip (Download)
Title gpSP-Nspire Alpha 0.11 (Gameboy Advance emulator)
Description gpSP-Nspire is a Gameboy Advance emulator ported from the source code of gpSP2X by Exophase and notaz. Several features have been added/removed from the GP2X version, see the readme for more details. Note: Game compatibility is not perfect, and it will never be.
Author Brendan Fletcher (calc84maniac@gmail.com)
Category TI-Nspire Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 358,678 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Aug 7 03:08:16 2012
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  David Menlo
Reviewed on 2012-09-30
Well, most people think it would be to slow to be good!

Well if I wrote it, it wouldnt even work :/

So here goes

Graphics I cant say much its the games you pick but it renders them almost perfectly 9/10

Speed 9/10 Its not perfect but its really good

compatability 8/10 I have had problems with multiple games

Overall 9/10

this is a must download!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
game_config.txt.tns   22963
gpsp_launcher.tns   4744
gpsp_resources.tns   1135671
readme_gp2x.txt   12927
readme_nspire.txt   7055
readme_psp.txt   39587

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