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Prime Number Utility


Ranked as 35778 on our all-time top downloads list with 1109 downloads.
Ranked as 17704 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename pnu.zip (Download)
Title Prime Number Utility
Description The Prime Number Utility has two main parts: The Prime Number Tester and the Prime Number Lister. The Prime Number Tester allows you to enter in any number, and it will tell you whether that number is prime or not. The time it takes depends on how big the number is. You then have the option to factorise that number or not. The factorising algorithm isn't particularly fast, but it does work, if you are willing to wait for it. I wouldn't recommend trying to factorise anything over 3 digits, beacause it will take a long time and most likely run out of memory. The Prime Number Lister allows you to create a list of prime numbers up to a number that you specify. The only limit on how many primes you can generate is the amount of memory your calculator has. The Lister will also store the primes into a list for you to work with. IMPORTANT: I have just fixed a glitch where it would think that composite numbers like 17711 (89x199) are prime. I have also fixed another glitch where if the lower factor of a number is an even number greater than two, the factor and its pair would not appear in the list of factors. If you are not using the latest version, please update!
Author Michael Jessup (debbie.jessup@raywhite.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Factoring, Primes)
File Size 749 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Feb 8 18:01:52 2012
Documentation Included? No



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PRIMES.8xp   1183

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