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Era-Pong V 1.5 (Beta) for Era-Systems


Ranked as 37944 on our all-time top downloads list with 662 downloads.
Ranked as 10550 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename erapongbeta.zip (Download)
Title Era-Pong V 1.5 (Beta) for Era-Systems
Description This is the update for the first app I made. Thank you for all people who downloaded it and dont forget :THIS IS AN APP FOR ERA-SYSTEMS, THE OPERATING SYSTEM SHELL! YOU HAVE TO DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL IT BEFORE YOU CAN PLAY!!! It is just the beta version (still) and it could still contain some bugs. If you found one report me please :-) Short Description: You must do that the ball doesnt go over your boarder and that it goes over the other players boarder! New Features: - Multiplayer is now working!!! Play over the cable (which should be with your calculator) against an other human player!!! It is a little slower and its buggy but Im working on it. - New Intro (because the old intro needs too much memory to start)
Author Erasmus Hoffmann (eracompgts250@gmail.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Games (Arcade)
File Size 7,492 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Nov 17 18:55:36 2011
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Era-Pong V 1.5 Beta/Background/EC (Era-Comp.) - Cover.83i   830
Era-Pong V 1.5 Beta/Background/Read Me.TXT   76
Era-Pong V 1.5 Beta/My own App/How to do.TXT   527
Era-Pong V 1.5 Beta/READ ME FIRST!!!.TXT   1749
Era-Pong V 1.5 Beta/Setup/English/APPEP.83p   149
Era-Pong V 1.5 Beta/Setup/English/APPINST1.8xp   1477
Era-Pong V 1.5 Beta/Setup/English/ERAPONG.8xp   1588
Era-Pong V 1.5 Beta/Setup/German/APPEP.83p   149
Era-Pong V 1.5 Beta/Setup/German/APPINST1.8xp   1477
Era-Pong V 1.5 Beta/Setup/German/ERAPONG.8xp   1596

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