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Ranked as 13751 on our all-time top downloads list with 3842 downloads.
Ranked as 2252 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 11 downloads.

Filename ticonst.zip (Download)
Title ticonst
Description ticonst provides an alternative dialog for constants and units. Normally, this dialog can be reached by [diamond]+[P]. However, this standard dialog isn't user-friendly, and the constants and units are not named. Features *** User-friendly interface *** All constans and units are named (so you actually know what they mean) *** Directly view the values (press [MODE]) *** Fast scrolling without flickering. *** Save last cursor position (optional) | For more information make sure you read the readme.txt. (avaiable in English and German / verfügbar in Englisch und Deutsch)
Author Stefan Heule (ticalc@stefanheule.com)
Category Voyage 200 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 240,486 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Jul 26 21:39:09 2010
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-89 titanium/compressed/ticonst (english, ti-89 titanium, compressed).89y   6867
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-89 titanium/compressed/ticonst (english, ti-89 titanium, compressed).89z   1095
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-89 titanium/uncompressed/ticonst (english, ti-89 titanium, uncompressed).89z   11387
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-92 plus/compressed/ticonst (english, ti-92 plus, compressed).9xy   6807
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-92 plus/compressed/ticonst (english, ti-92 plus, compressed).9xz   1095
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/english/ti-92 plus/uncompressed/ticonst (english, ti-92 plus, uncompressed).9xz   11347
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/english/voyage 200/compressed/ticonst (english, voyage 200, compressed).v2y   6763
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/english/voyage 200/compressed/ticonst (english, voyage 200, compressed).v2z   1095
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/english/voyage 200/uncompressed/ticonst (english, voyage 200, uncompressed).v2z   11305
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-89 titanium/compressed/ticonst (german, ti-89 titanium, compressed).89y   7065
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-89 titanium/compressed/ticonst (german, ti-89 titanium, compressed).89z   1095
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-89 titanium/uncompressed/ticonst (german, ti-89 titanium, uncompressed).89z   11641
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-92 plus/compressed/ticonst (german, ti-92 plus, compressed).9xy   6986
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-92 plus/compressed/ticonst (german, ti-92 plus, compressed).9xz   1095
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/german/ti-92 plus/uncompressed/ticonst (german, ti-92 plus, uncompressed).9xz   11591
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/german/voyage 200/compressed/ticonst (german, voyage 200, compressed).v2y   6949
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/german/voyage 200/compressed/ticonst (german, voyage 200, compressed).v2z   1095
ticonst-1.1.0/bin/german/voyage 200/uncompressed/ticonst (german, voyage 200, uncompressed).v2z   11549
ticonst-1.1.0/history.txt   1566
ticonst-1.1.0/license.txt   35147
ticonst-1.1.0/readme.txt   3282
ticonst-1.1.0/screenshots/ticonst-scr0.png   3119
ticonst-1.1.0/screenshots/ticonst-scr1.png   2218
ticonst-1.1.0/screenshots/ticonst-scr2.png   2883
ticonst-1.1.0/screenshots/ticonst-scr4.png   3097
ticonst-1.1.0/src/build_distribution.bat   5458
ticonst-1.1.0/src/extgraph.a   413878
ticonst-1.1.0/src/extgraph.h   174875
ticonst-1.1.0/src/fileio.c   6395
ticonst-1.1.0/src/header.h   4330
ticonst-1.1.0/src/main.c   14572
ticonst-1.1.0/src/messages.h   2655
ticonst-1.1.0/src/msg_english.h   12193
ticonst-1.1.0/src/msg_german.h   12427
ticonst-1.1.0/src/ticonst_c.tpr   1419
ticonst-1.1.0/src/ticonst_devel.89z   11641
ticonst-1.1.0/src/ticonst_devel.tpr   1419
ticonst-1.1.0/src/ticonst_devel.v2z   11549
ticonst-1.1.0/src/ticonst_uc.tpr   1411
ticonst-1.1.0/src/ui.c   7072
ticonst-1.1.0/src/util.c   2761
ticonst-1.1.0/todo.txt   1086

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