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Lunar IDE


Ranked as 19016 on our all-time top downloads list with 3048 downloads.
Ranked as 22274 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename lunaride.zip (Download)
Title Lunar IDE
Description This is the first ever TI-Basic integrated development environment (editor) written in TI-Basic itself. This IDE provides a plethora of features to make programming easier on TI-83+ series calculators. You can create and open programs. A feature called Header Helper will help create the Header for your program easily, including a DCS icon generator. When editing, instead of going through menus to find the proper command, just type in the first couple letters and Lunar IDE will complete the rest using the powerful 'auto-complete' feature. Other features include 8 line scrolling, one line at a time editing, edit the last program at start of running the IDE, power off while editing and more. (New: .8xo error patch, now .8xg, more updates soon)
Author Jonah Scheinerman (jonah@scheinerman.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Development Tools)
File Size 262,512 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Mar 20 03:00:10 2008
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Alexis SOROKINE
Reviewed on 2008-11-07
Great program!

The only problem is its speed, which is very slow on a normal 83+ ... :(

Overall rating:


Can't wait for an update!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
LunarIDE/.DS_Store   6148
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/._.DS_Store   82
LunarIDE/LUNARIDE.8xg   3372
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/._LUNARIDE.8xg   82
LunarIDE/LUNARIDE.8xp   12105
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/._LUNARIDE.8xp   82
LunarIDE/Pic1.8xi   832
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/._Pic1.8xi   82
LunarIDE/Pic2.8xi   832
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/._Pic2.8xi   82
LunarIDE/Screenshots/.DS_Store   6148
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Screenshots/._.DS_Store   82
LunarIDE/Screenshots/Icon16.gif   3763
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Screenshots/._Icon16.gif   44982
LunarIDE/Screenshots/MenuBar.gif   2256
LunarIDE/Screenshots/OpenAlert.gif   4430
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Screenshots/._OpenAlert.gif   47432
LunarIDE/Screenshots/Viewing.gif   4713
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Screenshots/._Viewing.gif   50346
LunarIDE/Subroutines/.DS_Store   6148
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Subroutines/._.DS_Store   82
LunarIDE/Subroutines/ZABOUT.8xp   492
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Subroutines/._ZABOUT.8xp   82
LunarIDE/Subroutines/ZBASIC.8xp   310
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Subroutines/._ZBASIC.8xp   82
LunarIDE/Subroutines/ZCELTIC2.8xp   873
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Subroutines/._ZCELTIC2.8xp   82
LunarIDE/Subroutines/ZDRAW.8xp   133
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Subroutines/._ZDRAW.8xp   82
LunarIDE/Subroutines/ZHELP.8xp   912
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Subroutines/._ZHELP.8xp   82
LunarIDE/Subroutines/ZLIST.8xp   159
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Subroutines/._ZLIST.8xp   82
LunarIDE/Subroutines/ZONBLOCK.8xp   139
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Subroutines/._ZONBLOCK.8xp   82
LunarIDE/Subroutines/ZPRGINFO.8xp   212
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Subroutines/._ZPRGINFO.8xp   82
LunarIDE/Subroutines/ZPRGTYPE.8xp   175
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Subroutines/._ZPRGTYPE.8xp   82
LunarIDE/Subroutines/ZPTOOLS.8xp   159
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Subroutines/._ZPTOOLS.8xp   82
LunarIDE/Subroutines/ZRUN.8xp   307
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Subroutines/._ZRUN.8xp   82
LunarIDE/Subroutines/ZSCR.8xp   92
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Subroutines/._ZSCR.8xp   82
LunarIDE/Subroutines/ZSWITCH.8xp   93
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/Subroutines/._ZSWITCH.8xp   82
LunarIDE/UserManual.doc   136704
__MACOSX/LunarIDE/._UserManual.doc   82
LunarIDE/UserManual.pdf   186464

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