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Plinko version 1.1


Ranked as 35726 on our all-time top downloads list with 1122 downloads.
Ranked as 11074 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename plinko.zip (Download)
Title Plinko version 1.1
Description This is a really fun plinko game I made. All you have to do is send the program to your calculator and run the it with no arguments. For the first run, it will generate a picture file called "pboard" and a matrix of the high score table called "plnkscrs". This is so it doesn't have to take 1-2 minutes to draw the board each time. To play: Just move the piece left and right until at a desired position. Then, press enter and the ball goes down into one of the slots. On the sides, it shows what each side is worth. If you are higher than the lowest score on the high scores table, your score will overwrite that score. There is only one con about this: the high scores are not in order. However, there is a seperate list of 5 for each number of balls. There are also a few screenshots in the zip folder. There were a few minor problems in version 1.0 that I fixed in this newer version. Also, this is in BASIC so it should never crash.
Author Eric Hebert (hebertmtme@msn.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Games (Board)
File Size 9,660 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jan 5 02:00:13 2008
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
plinko board.89i   1635
ReadMe.txt   1310
SCREEN01.GIF   1531
SCREEN02.GIF   1608
SCREEN03.GIF   2107
SCREEN04.GIF   2308
plinko.89p   4017

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