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Design 3D v3.5 (for TI 83 or TI 83/84plus)


Ranked as 26748 on our all-time top downloads list with 2218 downloads.
Ranked as 8424 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename design3d3.zip (Download)
Title Design 3D v3.5 (for TI 83 or TI 83/84plus)
Description Design 3D is one of the few 3D modelling tools for the TI 83/+ series of calculators, problably one of the best ones. It is userfriendly, has a total of seven save slots, up to 499 lines (in 3D) per project, animation, three different modes (Editor,Table and View) and tons of usefull functions. This version contains many new functions and a smaller program file! A User-Manual is included in addition to the text only readme file. If you are using a TI 83/84plus, please consider version 4.0 of Design 3D instead.
Authors Frode van der Meeren (fvdm1992@yahoo.no)
Kerm Martian (admin@cemetech.net)
Category TI-83 BASIC Graphics Programs
File Size 355,455 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Mar 18 12:07:16 2009
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Design3d3/Manual.doc   389120
Design3d3/Readme.txt   18080
Design3d3/8x/DESIGN3D.8xp   9557
Design3d3/8x/D1Y.8xl   2452
Design3d3/8x/D1Z.8xl   2452
Design3d3/8x/D1X.8xl   2452
Design3d3/83/D1X.83l   2450
Design3d3/83/D1Y.83l   2450
Design3d3/83/D1Z.83l   2450
Design3d3/83/DESIGN3D.83p   8977

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