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BAOS - Basic Assembly Operating System - version 0.04


Ranked as 1242 on our all-time top downloads list with 14804 downloads.
Ranked as 2270 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 12 downloads.
Ranked as 763 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 2.30.

Filename baos.zip (Download)
Title BAOS - Basic Assembly Operating System - version 0.04
Description The idea of this OS is to make something that lets you take everything out of your calc that you can. However there is currently a lot that is not yet implemented. Currently you can start programs, there is a directory based filesystem (BAOSFS) and the OS supports full multitasking. A simple text-editor and some other tools/programs are included with this release. For more information see the Users Guide inside or the website. If you want to get involved, please send an email, however there are some restrictions.
Author Erik van 't Wout (erik@hofhom.nl)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Operating Systems
File Size 867,908 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Apr 14 02:58:57 2008
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
baos/README   4537
baos/Manual.pdf   323287
baos/Makefile   3185
baos/COPYING   18349
baos/ChangeLog   2722
baos/make.bat   11230
baos/src/base.asm   4876
baos/src/restrict.asm   531
baos/src/config.h   51
baos/src/data.h   738
baos/src/debug.h   1913
baos/src/drivers.h   77
baos/src/errcheck.h   1241
baos/src/flashram.h   3454
baos/src/flashrom.h   16671
baos/src/font.h   12918
baos/src/fs.h   18015
baos/src/fs_high.h   7938
baos/src/init.h   347
baos/src/keypad.h   5454
baos/src/lcd.h   3922
baos/src/lib.h   85
baos/src/memlocs.h   1052
baos/src/memmngt.h   5954
baos/src/opcodes.h   5099
baos/src/os-parts.h   217
baos/src/pgmmngr.h   13766
baos/src/procs.h   10030
baos/src/screen.h   10312
baos/src/startup.h   1664
baos/src/strings.h   3248
baos/src/textio.h   11145
baos/src/timer.h   8058
baos/src/usrspcsp.h   1356
baos/src/vars.h   1389
baos/src/clean.rom   524288
baos/src/tilem.1.patch.in   18
baos/src/tilem.2.patch.in   12
baos/src/Makefile   2967
baos/src/userspc/userspc.in   984
baos/src/userspc/cd.asm   1281
baos/src/userspc/cp.asm   5630
baos/src/userspc/demo.asm   250
baos/src/userspc/echo.asm   521
baos/src/userspc/edit.asm   10179
baos/src/userspc/firstrun.asm   5886
baos/src/userspc/fs.asm   201
baos/src/userspc/fsmap.asm   4033
baos/src/userspc/halt.asm   108
baos/src/userspc/iic.asm   2755
baos/src/userspc/init.asm   1780
baos/src/userspc/inittab.asm   262
baos/src/userspc/ls.asm   1022
baos/src/userspc/mkdir.asm   1193
baos/src/userspc/ps.asm   2677
baos/src/userspc/reboot.asm   105
baos/src/userspc/recv.asm   516
baos/src/userspc/rm.asm   1128
baos/src/userspc/sh.asm   1907
baos/src/userspc/sleep.asm   135
baos/src/userspc/test.asm   201
baos/src/userspc/Makefile   1000
baos/src/userspc/baos.inc   15287
baos/src/userspc/baos_tasm.inc   256
baos/src/userspc/baos_z80asm.inc   368
baos/src/userspc/debug.inc   2
baos/src/tools/getopt.h   6279
baos/src/tools/gettext.h   3090
baos/src/tools/baosmake.c   4283
baos/src/tools/bin2h.c   489
baos/src/tools/bin2hex.c   1841
baos/src/tools/encdos.c   396
baos/src/tools/gendoc.c   10288
baos/src/tools/gensyms.c   630
baos/src/tools/genusph.c   3468
baos/src/tools/getopt.c   34053
baos/src/tools/getopt1.c   4529
baos/src/tools/linecnt.c   502
baos/src/tools/multihex.c   2021
baos/src/tools/packxxu.c   7622
baos/src/tools/rompatch.c   3627
baos/src/tools/z80asm.c   85677
baos/src/tools/Makefile   1254
baos/src/tools/baosmake.exe   57011
baos/src/tools/bin2h.exe   49100
baos/src/tools/bin2hex.exe   49812
baos/src/tools/encdos.exe   12036
baos/src/tools/gendoc.exe   55128
baos/src/tools/gensyms.exe   49944
baos/src/tools/genusph.exe   51052
baos/src/tools/linecnt.exe   48508
baos/src/tools/multihex.exe   59444
baos/src/tools/packxxu.exe   62944
baos/src/tools/rompatch.exe   59560
baos/src/tools/z80asm.exe   97544

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