Rogue Squadron :: Phoenix Rising
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Archive Contents
asm.bat | 767 |
build.bat | 121 |
build82.bat | 356 |
build83.bat | 281 |
build85.bat | 204 |
build86.bat | 173 |
builddcs.bat | 162 |
buildmir.bat | 157 |
bullets.asm | 5585 |
collide.asm | 2159 |
CRASM.BAT | 492 |
data.asm | 974 |
disp12.asm | 5435 |
disp16.asm | 7426 |
drwspr.asm | 9594 |
ebullets.asm | 6801 |
Edit-82.asm | 1971 |
emove.asm | 13744 |
enemies.asm | 4201 |
enemyhit.asm | 9179 |
eshoot.asm | 9609 |
exchange.asm | 1310 |
extlev12.asm | 7523 |
extlev16.asm | 2877 |
helper.asm | 3410 |
hityou.asm | 3418 |
images.asm | 13481 |
init.asm | 5445 |
internal.txt | 9772 |
keys.i | 614 |
levels.asm | 12994 |
levels.txt | 22481 |
lib.asm | 2463 |
lib12.asm | 2146 |
lib16.asm | 2457 |
main12.asm | 4042 |
main16.asm | 3946 |
main82.asm | 1979 |
main83.asm | 2359 |
main85.asm | 3039 |
main86.asm | 7212 |
maindcs.asm | 2874 |
mainmir.asm | 2731 |
mainven.asm | 2270 |
PHOENIX.82P | 8701 |
phoenixz.i | 4862 |
phoenixz.txt | 25498 |
player12.asm | 3768 |
player16.asm | 3971 |
README.txt | 25107 |
score12.asm | 7066 |
score16.asm | 7175 |
shoot.asm | 4128 |
shop12.asm | 6273 |
shop16.asm | 5196 |
title12.asm | 7874 |
title16.asm | 8152 |
vars.asm | 2648 |