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Awesome, Janky, Farout and Radical


Ranked as 594 on our all-time top downloads list with 23508 downloads.
Ranked as 2177 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 11 downloads.

Filename 4marioworlds.zip (Download)
Title Awesome, Janky, Farout and Radical
Description From the maker of A Romp In The Swamp comes 4 great mario worlds. Each one is difficult, full of detail and tons of freakin' fun. What are you waiting for? You've got you're work cut out for you if you're going to complete all four. Also be watching for Gnarly and Outragus coming soon! As always, email me with an commets or questions at driftinphish@hotmail.com orrrr just IM me (my screen name on AIM is also driftinphish). Thanks and enjoy. THESE ARE HIGH QUALITY MARIO (V2.0) WORLDS FOR ADVANCED MARIO PLAYERS. IF YOU WANT THE BEST, LOOK NO FURTHER. PS no screenshots becuase i want you to experience these first hand.
Author Patrick Laughlin (driftinphish@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Game Levels (Mario)
File Size 9,082 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Oct 5 12:46:30 2005
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No


Review by  John Doe
Reviewed on 2005-10-05
If one word could describe these level sets, it's “AWESOME”. Not just awesome- it's also JANKY, FAROUT, and RADICAL. Seriously, I recommend you give these level sets a go. I've only played the first world of each of these level sets, but right away I know it's not too tough not to pass. It's almost like you know you can pass it if you do a thing a certain way, but you have to see it twice or three times to know what it is. Long story short- just download the thing.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
AWESOME .8xp   3599
FAROUT .8xp   3268
JANKY .8xp   4597
RADICAL .8xp   3037

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