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Gold Rush *Gold Edition


Ranked as 11222 on our all-time top downloads list with 4415 downloads.
Ranked as 14797 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename goldrushge.zip (Download)
Title Gold Rush *Gold Edition
Description *Part of Alex Productions use Mario V2.0, or game won't work It's Mario! I've been stuffing these archives with my games like crazy, and well, this is just the best of the best. Even though I didn't write the original program itself, I made the levels with the MEDIT program. Very fun program. Anyways, these are very very difficult. Over 65 levels to play, and 6 worlds to explore. There is a bonus, Bowsers challenge, in it. keep battling bowser on different territory untill the last level, which is the hardest of course. Have fun! These levels go from Easy, to extremely difficult. Check out each of the Animations. They play through the entire first levels of each Mario level. Have fun, and please rate this game. Please rate this game. Write up a review. I want to know what you think about these mario levels that I spent a lot of time working on.
Author Jon Wong (jonny23451@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Game Levels (Mario)
File Size 2,012,385 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Apr 7 15:45:32 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Zack Kolsrud
Reviewed on 2006-12-10
These Mario levels are a must-have. If you can't beat them don't worry. Practice makes perfect. I give it a 10/10 and rate the levels from easy to somewhat difficult. Gold Rush 3 is probably the hardest (unless you don't have the patience for the first level of Lost World 2). However, it has no end point, just many lives and two spikes. Also, I could not find a way to beat level 13 of Lost World 1.

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
GOLDRUSH3.GIF   540326
GLDRUSHX.8xp   11930
GOLDRUSH4P2.GIF   508263
GOLDRUSH5.GIF   453869
GLDRUSH2.8xp   2264
GLDRUSH3.8xp   3362
GLDRUSH4.8xp   8563
GLDRUSH5.8xp   10913
GLDRUSHB.8xp   3496
GOLDRUSH.8xp   2252
GOLDRUSH4P3.GIF   322107
GOLDRUSH4P0.GIF   224553
Stratagey Guide For Gold Rush.txt   23798

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