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What'll v0.59


Ranked as 31882 on our all-time top downloads list with 1644 downloads.
Ranked as 21575 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename whatll.zip (Download)
Title What'll v0.59
Description This program is a card game like "What If". You can discard a card that has same suit or same number on the stage from your hands. Each cards is one point and the game will be ended when you cannot discard any card. A high score and the number of rounds are preserved.
Author Yuki Mio (miotti13@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Board)
File Size 16,839 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Mar 9 23:43:27 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
whatll/readme.txt   804
whatll/readmej.txt   848
whatll/screen1.gif   1804
whatll/screen2.gif   1443
whatll/screen3.gif   1577
whatll/screen4.gif   1298
whatll/src/pcline1.bmp   342
whatll/src/pcline2.bmp   342
whatll/src/psuitc.bmp   198
whatll/src/psuitd.bmp   198
whatll/src/psuith.bmp   198
whatll/src/psuits.bmp   198
whatll/src/screen1.bmp   24630
whatll/src/screen2.bmp   18486
whatll/src/screen3.bmp   18486
whatll/src/screen4.bmp   18486
whatll/src/whatll.z80   11015
whatll/whatll.8xp   1570
whatll/Yuki Mio - ticalc.org.url   247

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