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Black Eagle Shell 3.1 SE with Pheonix Phire XP


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Ranked as 651 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.23.

Filename blackeagleshell3.1sexp.zip (Download)
Title Black Eagle Shell 3.1 SE with Pheonix Phire XP
Description Black Eagle Shell is now paired with Pheonix Phire XP in one Application. Pheonix Phire XP is a utility and program manager. Read the readme(s) for more information. Black Eagle Shell Security Edition includes Password Support. Also, it includes: a new default GUI, 3 other GUIs, a new Black Eagle GUI, and documentation on how to make your own GUIs, as well as the ability to show the amount of ROM free. Black Eagle Shell allows you to Archive, Unarchive, Lock, Unlock, Run, or Delete programs on your calculator. Black Eagle Shell can Hibernate, Turn off your calc, Compile ASM programs, it has a screen saver, Info screen, it can run external GUIs in RAM or ROM, show the amount of free RAM and ROM, Enable/Disable Lowercase, Toggle the run indicator, and inverse text. It features awesome graphics and Graphical User Interfaces. Black Eagle Shell is one of the, if not the, best BASIC shell so far. It is up to you to decide. What makes it so much better is that it has the ability to tell you wether the programs are archived or locked and has so many useful features. Most BASIC shells don't have this. I am confident that it will give any other BASIC shell a run for its money. Check out the screen shots. (It cannot run Ion programs or Mirage OS programs. Read the readme for more info.)
Author Patrick Stone (suipsysof@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Programs (BasicBuilder)
File Size 93,201 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Mar 2 23:02:28 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Nick Liu
Reviewed on 2008-04-17
I am going to answer the questions provided for reviews:

Q1: Does the program improve upon other versions of similar programs? How?

A1: No. It is just a copy of MirageOS. Even the beta of v4 looks like a watered-down MirageOS.

Q2: Are there features that enhance the program? Lack of features?

A2: Well, the calc off feature is only functional on the TI-83 Plus family. Attempt to do so on a TI-84 Plus family calculator will crash it. It is too slow, but I don't blame Pat Stone for it. BasicBuilder is supposed to do that. The password lock is a waste of time. Delete the lists involving "BES", and you are back to normal.

Q3: How easy is the program to operate? User friendly?

A3: User friendly, yes. Easy to operate, no. It takes too long to move. What else? Say you have a program called AAAPRGM. If you have AAAAPRGM before AAAPRGM, it won't scroll to AAAPRGM. You can't run AAAPRGM that way.

Q4: What would you like to see changed, added or removed?

A4: It needs to be completely rewritten, which I believe Patrick is already doing. However, news has been idle since 7/17/2006. I think BES has been abandoned.

Q5: As far as TI calculators goes, is this program original?

A5: No. It's a bad MirageOS all over again.

Q6: Who would you recommend the program to?

A6: No one. I hope BES4 surpasses MirageOS, and increases compatibility with TI-84 Plus (Silver Edition)s.

BES is better than any BASIC shell though. There has not been a single BASIC shell that has even come close to the abilities of BES.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Readme.txt   7158
Black Eagle Shell 3.1 SE-XP.8xk   25466
Pheonix Phire XP Readme.txt   5722
PPXP1.GIF   2329
PPXP2.GIF   2389
PPXP3.GIF   2650
PPXP6.GIF   2712
Making GUIs/GUI Making-BES-Readme 1.doc   30208
Making GUIs/GUI Making-BES-Readme 2.doc   28160
GUIs/Dotted(Pat Stone)/DOTTED.BMP   73782
GUIs/Dotted(Pat Stone)/DOTTED.GIF   2793
GUIs/Dotted(Pat Stone)/Thumbs.db   26112
GUIs/Dotted(Pat Stone)/Z3.8xp   861
GUIs/Dotted(Pat Stone)/ZGUI.8xp   123
GUIs/Eagle (Pat Stone)/EAGLE.BMP   73782
GUIs/Eagle (Pat Stone)/EAGLE.GIF   2404
GUIs/Eagle (Pat Stone)/Thumbs.db   22016
GUIs/Eagle (Pat Stone)/Z4.8xp   861
GUIs/Eagle (Pat Stone)/ZGUI.8xp   120
GUIs/How To Use GUIs.txt   567
GUIs/Randy Liu's GUI/Pic1.8xi   832
GUIs/Randy Liu's GUI/SPS.BMP   73782
GUIs/Randy Liu's GUI/SPS.GIF   2676
GUIs/Randy Liu's GUI/ZGUI.8xp   116
GUIs/Rounded(Pat Stone)/ROUNDED.BMP   73782
GUIs/Rounded(Pat Stone)/ROUNDED.GIF   2691
GUIs/Rounded(Pat Stone)/Z2.8xp   861
GUIs/Rounded(Pat Stone)/ZGUI.8xp   123

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