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FracCalc 1.0


Ranked as 28277 on our all-time top downloads list with 2053 downloads.
Ranked as 6816 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename fraccalc1.0.zip (Download)
Title FracCalc 1.0
Description FracCalc is a program that allows you to input expressions using fractions and will return the answer in both fraction and decimal form. This program has been created and tested on a TI-84+ SE only, if you have a different calculator and this program works (or if it doesn’t!) please send me an e-mail.
Author Will Brown (will.h.brown@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Programs (BasicBuilder)
File Size 20,668 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Dec 21 04:45:04 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Shengzhi Li
Reviewed on 2004-12-21
This has got to be one of the worst programs I've ever seen. It lets you input an expression and outputs the answer in both fraction and decimal form. While this can be done using a simple BASIC program of around 30 bytes, the author decided to soup things up using several ASM utilities. He uses them to do things like disabling the [On] key, so that you can't break the program (or turn off your calculator). The only way to exit is by inputting "sin(14200)," which is found only in the readme. In addition, there is a memory checker, which gives you a memory error if you don't have enough available RAM, and CODEX to (un)archive the programs. Using all the ASM utilities makes loading the program super slow. Not only that, the file size is humongous: the programs comes in a 16K App or a ~2000K group of six programs.

Overall: 0/10, highly recommend you DO NOT download this program!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
fraccalc.8xk   24692
01.gif   1216
source.zip   2318
readme.rtf   12895

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