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Bomber Dude v0.95


Ranked as 138 on our all-time top downloads list with 56550 downloads.
Ranked as 2128 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 13 downloads.
Ranked as 25 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.86.

Filename bomberdude.zip (Download)
Title Bomber Dude v0.95
Description This is a bomberman like game where instead of fighting monsters, you fight against an AI. Lot's of different maps and different bonuses. The (beautiful) sprites and tiles are coming from multiple bomberman game. The best part (in my opinion) is the multiplayer mode where you can play against a friend.
Author Jean-Francois Geyelin (jfgeyelin@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade)
File Size 110,736 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Nov 28 14:32:33 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  jj D
Reviewed on 2005-10-02
Overall Score: 9.5/10

The only reason why i give subtracted a .5 is because the AI is really tough for me. The game runs very smoothly and right now I can see no flaws. The AI is tough, and the multiple power-ups and courses add to the fun.

"Bomber Dude" is just a great game. What are you waiting for?

See 7 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Bomber Dude/bdude_image/bonus_bomba.bmp   3126
Bomber Dude/bdude_image/bonus_ghosta.bmp   3126
Bomber Dude/bdude_image/bonus_lina.bmp   3126
Bomber Dude/bdude_image/bonus_powa.bmp   3126
Bomber Dude/bdude_image/bonus_sick.bmp   3126
Bomber Dude/bdude_image/bonus_tele.bmp   3126
Bomber Dude/bomber dude guide.htm   4366
Bomber Dude/bomberdude.89y   34014
Bomber Dude/bomberdude.89z   2010
Bomber Dude/bomberdude.9xy   34014
Bomber Dude/bomberdude.9xz   2010
Bomber Dude/bomberdude.v2y   34014
Bomber Dude/bomberdude.v2z   2010

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