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Ranked as 35359 on our all-time top downloads list with 1174 downloads.
Ranked as 4445 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.

Filename espace_src92p.zip (Download)
Title E-space
Description You are a vessel and you must avoid asteroid. If one touch you, you are dead! Of course, you can kill them but they divided into two. When they are small, they become totally dead when you shoot them. There are 4 kinds of asteroids: asteroid 1: it moves in one direction asteroid 2: it follows your spaceship asteroid 3: it moves in one direction and when it explods, a missile is thrown in your direction asteroid 4: it follows your spaceship and moves in one direction and when it explods, a missile is thrown in your direction saucer: it moves in one direction and sometimes its direction changes randomly. This enemy lays eggs which gives others ennemis!
Author Frédéric RIVAL (fredmichou@free.fr)
Category TI-92 Plus Assembly Source
File Size 20,098 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Sep 2 23:49:20 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Espace.c   14696
Espace.tpr   433
procedure.c   28803
readme.txt   2803
special.h   5395
sprite.h   7213
sprite_gris.h   21231

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