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Ranked as 9476 on our all-time top downloads list with 4938 downloads.
Ranked as 12878 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Ranked as 711 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 4.84.

Filename asmyatzee.zip (Download)
Title yatzee
Description this is yatzee a game that has been around for ever where you role dice and add their values in diffrent ways to get your score.
Authors Jason Ho (dakron15@netzero.net)
jesse frey (soring8@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Board)
File Size 34,539 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Mar 7 17:42:01 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  TI Freakware
Reviewed on 2008-06-13
It's very hard to mess up yahtzee, but this author managed to do so. The readme could have been better. The actual game play was kind of confusing. You must use the F1-F5 keys to select the dice you roll. Also, I think the full house detector is faulty.

One positive thing is that the game has in-game help in case you forget the keypresses.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ASM yatzee/read me.txt   1076
ASM yatzee/screan 1.bmp   64054
ASM yatzee/screen 2.bmp   64054
ASM yatzee/screen 3.bmp   64054
ASM yatzee/screen 4.bmp   64054
ASM yatzee/screen 5.bmp   64054
ASM yatzee/screen 6.bmp   64054
ASM yatzee/yatzee.89z   9123
ASM yatzee/yatzee.9xz   9123
ASM yatzee/yatzee.c   25250
ASM yatzee/yatzee.o   18372
ASM yatzee/yatzee.tpr   1052
ASM yatzee/yatzee.v2z   9123

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