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Alliance2: DICTATOR v1.0.1


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Ranked as 5598 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename alliance3.zip (Download)
Title Alliance2: DICTATOR v1.0.1
Description Alliance2: Dictator is a multi-player game of war. You are a dictator ruling your country, and hopfully everyone elses, with an iron fist. Three to four players pass the calculator around, each turn getting a random amount of points. Points can be used to get more stuff. It costs one point to get money, two to gain a city, and four to get power. You can also get power by buying army units and killing off civilians. You get more civilains at the end of your turn, depending on how many cities you have. At the end of your turn you can attack any player, send messages, and send items. Player at the end of the game, which is when all rounds have been played, with the most points wins. Amount of rounds is set up at the begining of the game. Have fun! Why didn't anyone say it didn't work before? Someone finally e-mailed me and pointed out the problem... probbobly because everyone else knew how to fix it, but still... there's a new file and it's the one that you need to play that was missing.
Author Sam Davies (undun@comcast.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Strategy)
File Size 3,030 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Aug 10 02:09:29 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
ALIS.8xl   94
ALLIANCE2 readme.txt   839
A2S.8xl   85
ALIANCE3.8xp   6505

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