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Ranked as 11718 on our all-time top downloads list with 4277 downloads.

Filename allince2.zip (Download)
Title Alliance
Description This is a multi-player war game. You can play with three or four players, passing the calculator around. On each turn you are given a random amount of points, which you can use adding to different parts of your empire. 1 point = money, 2 points = village, and 4 = power. At the end of your turn you are allowed to attack anyone who has villages and send two messages to anyone you want to. You can also send items to other players. The game ends after all rounds (times around) have been played. Number of rounds is set up at the beginning of the game. Whoever has the most points, which are made up of how much stuff you have, wins. Have fun! This is now version 3.2.0. I've slightly tweaked the code so it shouldn't slow down and crash when you don't press any buttons. The sequel to this game being a clone with one stupid gameplay change tacked on I'm not going to be updating that one.
Author Sam Davies (undun@comcast.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Strategy)
File Size 2,730 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Feb 12 02:26:47 2008
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
allince2/ALIS.8xl   94
allince2/ALLIANCE Readme.txt   970
allince2/ALLINCE2.8xp   5730

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