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International Karate 68K v1.61


Ranked as 961 on our all-time top downloads list with 17321 downloads.
Ranked as 2128 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 13 downloads.
Ranked as 397 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.92.

Filename intkarat.zip (Download)
Title International Karate 68K v1.61
Description International Karate 68K v1.61 Now compressed as a single file for all 68K calcs. International Karate 68K is a remake of IK+ for the Commodore 64. It is a fast paced karate game with 16 different moves and a bonus level. See the readme file for update history. Please email questions, comments, bugs, and advice to: drandall99@charter.net. Enjoy the game!
Author David Randall (drandall99@charter.net)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Fighting)
File Size 126,878 bytes
File Date and Time Fri May 13 21:24:26 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Philip Shirey
Reviewed on 2004-02-08
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

When this game came out, I immediately downloaded it and put it on my calcuatlor. I was definitely not disappointed. The concept of the game is pretty simple. There are three fighters. All of them fight against each other. You get one or two points for hitting one of your opponents (depending on which way they are facing). Once one of the fighters receives six points, the fighter with the least points is out, and if that isn't you, to advance to the next level. Every three levels, there is a bonus round.

International Karate 89 is very addicting and the programmer did an excellent job of making the game. There are 16 different moves you can pull off and the graphics are amazing. The file size is kind of large, but the game is definitely worth the 66K of memory it takes up.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
intkarat161/ikstart.89z   2010
intkarat161/ikstart.9xz   2010
intkarat161/ikstart.v2z   2010
intkarat161/intkarat.89y   27032
intkarat161/intkarat.9xy   29462
intkarat161/intkarat.v2y   29466
intkarat161/Readme.txt   10969
intkarat161/Screenshots/ikbonus89a.gif   1997
intkarat161/Screenshots/ikbonus89b.gif   1974
intkarat161/Screenshots/ikdemo89a.gif   2147
intkarat161/Screenshots/ikdemo92a.gif   2974
intkarat161/Screenshots/ikdemo92b.gif   3317
intkarat161/Screenshots/ikhighscore89a.gif   2738
intkarat161/Screenshots/ikhighscore92a.gif   3624
intkarat161/Screenshots/ikpause89a.gif   2564
intkarat161/Screenshots/ikpause92a.gif   3251
intkarat161/Screenshots/iktitle89a.gif   2268
intkarat161/Screenshots/iktitle92a.gif   3624

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