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Cabamap v1.02


Ranked as 713 on our all-time top downloads list with 21223 downloads.
Ranked as 22274 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 20 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.96.

Filename cabamap.zip (Download)
Title Cabamap v1.02
Description Cabamap is a flash application for the 83+/SE that performs arbitrary-precision integer calculations. Simply stated, it can do things like calculate the exact value of 2000! or 2^1024. It uses RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) as the user interface, and is intended as a complete system for long integer calculations. The only limit is available memory (roughly 24000 digits).
Author Michael Vincent (michaelv@ticalc.org)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Math Programs
File Size 78,662 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Aug 25 21:07:25 2006
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Josh G
Reviewed on 2012-08-09
This is really cool! I love being able to calculate large numbers when the rest of my math class has to use workarounds because they get overflow errors. Not only can it calculate larger numbers than the regular calculator can, but it also makes the calculations faster than the regular calculator.

One important note: it uses Reverse Polish Notation, which at first is a little awkward, but after a while you will get used to it. If you want to know how to use it without experience, Wikipedia has an excellent article on RPN.

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Archive Contents
Name Size
Cabamap Manual.pdf   22167
cabamap.8xk   24900
Timings.txt   813
cabamap_source.zip   52540

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