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Melisma v1.0


Ranked as 23192 on our all-time top downloads list with 2586 downloads.
Ranked as 29505 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename melisma83p.zip (Download)
Title Melisma v1.0
Description This graphical puzzle game is based on programs such as Tetris Attack and others, but with an important twist. You must go through a set of 40 levels to beat the game, increasing in difficulty. You must eliminate squares wiht letters, numbers, and symbols by matching them horizontally or vertically. Once you clear the board, you advance to the next level. New level sets will soon be available, so that when you complete the included set you can continue to play. You can also make your own level sets. If Str5 gets deleted, simply run MLSMREST to restore it. Check out this fun and engrossing game!
Author Kerm Martian (admin@cemetech.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Puzzle/Blocks)
File Size 2,626 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Oct 31 18:56:57 2003
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
MLSMREST.8xp   1392
MELISMA.8xp   2210
Str5.8xs   1360

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