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AASTAT (revision 3)


Ranked as 1451 on our all-time top downloads list with 13472 downloads.
Ranked as 1984 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 14 downloads.
Ranked as 774 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 1.55.

Filename aastat.zip (Download)
Title AASTAT (revision 3)
Description A work of programming genius, this entirely-BASIC math program quickly and efficiently calculates mean, median, AND mode. Just enter your numbers separated by commas. It's super fast and comes with a huge tutorial heavily describing the way the code works.
Author Brian Gordon (bpgordon@adelphia.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Statistics)
File Size 4,146 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Aug 28 08:30:09 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Bryce Taylor
Reviewed on 2007-09-23
This program does nothing except what can already be done on the OS, but in a less user-friendly manor.

Usefulness: 0/10

You can do better in your head.

User-friendliness: 0/10

The built in functions are better. You even have to input the data in list format and it does not display the results in a useful manor.

Bugs: 10/10

It does work, as claimed.

Features: 0/10

The OS can give you all of the 1 variable statistics of a list, with better input and more output.

Overall: 10/40

I cannot see why anyone would need this program.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
readme.txt   1207
coding tutorial.txt   6262
AASTAT3.8xp   419

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