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F-117 Advanced (Night Hawk)


Ranked as 25694 on our all-time top downloads list with 2323 downloads.
Ranked as 9044 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename f117.zip (Download)
Title F-117 Advanced (Night Hawk)
Description As you all [may] know, I did release a smaller [similar] F117 SHIP file called, F117. This time I decided to design one to [almost] scale, . At first I was just going to go with the F-117a but then realized it needed a lil' variety so I created b and c which ARE the same exept for the cannon positions. So!, this is the F-117 Advanced NightHawk and when I say advanced I mean... [advanced] If you still are scard (how do yah spell that word) from the previous have a gander at the three diff. screen shots of each of the 3 diff. 'models'! 0039 EST;08/23/03.
Author q*bert (q_dmc12@yahoo.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Game Levels (Space Dementia)
File Size 365,792 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Aug 26 05:25:24 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
F117B.89Y   693
F117A.89Y   693
night-hawk.gif   88748
NITEHAWK.89Y   393
F-117a.gif   88650
F-117b.gif   108914
F-117c.gif   128279
F117C.89Y   693
Night-Hawk.txt   1401

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