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Ranked as 31463 on our all-time top downloads list with 1698 downloads.
Ranked as 6205 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.

Filename remulark.zip (Download)
Title Rem-U-lark
Description This is one of the ships from the movie Cone Heads, it is one of there battle ships used in the plan to mount an invasion on the planet Earth and enslave the Blunt-Skulls. Also, this is a slight enlargement of 'conehead', about 33% larger to exact[when enlaging{zoom all func.} one must input %'age + 100, so this was input as 133 % Zoom All], but is still the same file size and suprisingly, the larger the 'conehead' ship you have,the faster the game-play is, hhuummmmm.... Now, after zerls of waiting you can manuever an exact replicaahhh....... Fly you ship through a series of training rings to help train you reflexes and manueverability/piloting skills or take a vacation in a nearby asteroid belt in the mainj portion of the game[Space Dementia v0.8b by Thibaut Chevalier] shoot and destroy asteroids before they shoot[shooting their massive selves towards you] and destroy you with their massive bodies, fail?, and you might as well chance your fate against, ........the-Garthok! 2245 hours, EST, 6/23/03.
Author q*bert (q_dmc12@yahoo.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Game Levels (Space Dementia)
File Size 165,553 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jun 24 05:21:08 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Rem-me.txt   772
REMULARK.89Y   1161
BELDAR.89Y   454
beldar.gif   84758
remulak.gif   102434

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