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Tie Advanced Upgrade


Ranked as 31360 on our all-time top downloads list with 1712 downloads.
Ranked as 18952 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename tieadvancedupgrade.zip (Download)
Title Tie Advanced Upgrade
Description FINALLY!, I've finally successfully created the Tie Advanced almost exactly to scale as a SHIP file. You may all remember the last attempt to make the tie advanced ship, a total failure-I thought, but supprisingly many of ypu did not,(I believe it was called "tieadv") anyway!,this is the best that I can give you @ the present time as w/ the flas version of edit3d w/ the export as ship function not yet released - this is it! If you enjoy this one more than the original (seeing as it was the first tie avdanced I designed, I'm calling the original) then perhaps you should also try "Big" and "mini" adv. They are all the same size - each file, its just that when you're playing SD(v0.8b) the ship size bonus will either increase or decraese depending on which ship size-version you have. Enjoy! :) . 0334 EST; 6/21/03.
Author q*bert (q_dmc12@yahoo.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Game Levels (Space Dementia)
File Size 110,115 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jun 21 07:52:33 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
TieAdvanced.gif   72497
TIADVNCD.89Y   963
TieA.gif   52213
TIEA.89Y   461
Contact (-me).txt   57

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