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Space Shuttle: Columbia (STS-107)


Ranked as 28114 on our all-time top downloads list with 2076 downloads.
Ranked as 6205 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.

Filename columbia.zip (Download)
Title Space Shuttle: Columbia (STS-107)
Description Yes, it is the first (& last) space shuttle, Columbia. I know this might seem inappropiate but it is to honor/commemorate the shuttle, to not let it be forgotten, plus... ...don't you think it would be really cool to pilot it yourself!!? Yes!, mow you can pilot the the space shuttle, shoot asteroids, fly through space, -Watch Those Wings!!! :) Bypass NASA security and take take-er for a spin, Let's Light This Candle!! --My condolences to the friends & families of those who were lost[that day]! Enjoy.... 4/6/03.
Author q*bert (q_dmc12@yahoo.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Game Levels (Space Dementia)
File Size 110,026 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Apr 7 01:16:12 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
sts107.89y   274
ststa.gif   703
stsba.gif   746
stse3d.gif   40141
stssd.gif   80561
STS-me.txt   824
colmbia.89y   455

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