Just Kidding
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justkidding.zip (Download)
Just Kidding
A program I made to trick people that I gave games to and then turned the calc off to let them see their calc countdown to self-destruction. It was quite a joy to see their reaction and almost hard to hold a straight face for only 10 secs. Now that I just realized I releasing it on April Fool's Day, it seems too fitting. I can almost guarantee you will have as much fun as I did. All that is required to make this work is install the application (Start-Up), the group, and ungroup the group. After it's turned off, the next time it turns on it will "self-destruct." It does run everytime its turned on so you probably want to delete the app and the program or at least disable these. It was orginally made on my TI-83+SE so the timing is set almost exactly (by exact I mean as close as I can for a TI-83+SE in BASIC) for it and not for the regular TI-83+, a bit slower for it since its processor is slower.
Snyper aka March McLaughlin (thesnyper@aol.com)
TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Misc./Amusements, Toys)
File Size
13,962 bytes
File Date and Time
Tue Apr 1 23:42:52 2003
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