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Invaders 1.0


Ranked as 28783 on our all-time top downloads list with 2001 downloads.
Ranked as 2878 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 8 downloads.

Filename invaders1.0.zip (Download)
Title Invaders 1.0
Description Invaders 1.0 est un petit jeu simple et fluide dont le but est tres simple: faire en sorte que les soucoupes volantes n'atterissent pas... Invaders ne comporte pas de bug ou defaut techniques, mais c'est une version beta...version francaise. Programme cree sur V200 mais compatible Ti 92, 92+
Author Gonzo Paul (p_guenzi@hotmail.com)
Category TI-92 Plus BASIC Games
File Size 12,272 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Mar 7 02:52:14 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Invaders 1.0/Invaders 1.0/invaders.alien.v2i   127
Invaders 1.0/Invaders 1.0/invaders.arme.v2i   104
Invaders 1.0/Invaders 1.0/invaders.balle.v2i   103
Invaders 1.0/Invaders 1.0/invaders.blanc.v2i   101
Invaders 1.0/Invaders 1.0/invaders.blanc2.v2i   121
Invaders 1.0/Invaders 1.0/invaders.canon.v2i   163
Invaders 1.0/Invaders 1.0/invaders.debutant.v2s   107
Invaders 1.0/Invaders 1.0/invaders.expert.v2s   105
Invaders 1.0/Invaders 1.0/invaders.invaders.v2p   3815
Invaders 1.0/Invaders 1.0/invaders.mont1.v2i   215
Invaders 1.0/Invaders 1.0/invaders.mont2.v2i   191
Invaders 1.0/Invaders 1.0/invaders.moyen.v2s   104
Invaders 1.0/Invaders 1.0/invaders.star.v2i   117
Invaders 1.0/Readme.txt   3364
Invaders 1.0/SCREEN01.BMP   92214
Invaders 1.0/SCREEN02.BMP   92214
Invaders 1.0/SCREEN03.BMP   92214

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