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Ranked as 110 on our all-time top downloads list with 66311 downloads.
Ranked as 3291 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.
Ranked as 228 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.33.

Filename gemini.zip (Download)
Title Gemini
Description The third, and last, of my raycasting series for the TI83-calcs. This time, it's not a demo, it's a fully-fledged real-time 3D-engine! I can't describe this game with words, check out the screenshots and try it out for yourself.
Author Hans Törnqvist (thorntwig@telia.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (MirageOS)
File Size 102,248 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Aug 17 21:00:39 2002
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  mikal wid
Reviewed on 2008-12-26
Great game

Started first time, no worries in MirageOs on my Ti-84+

For anyone who wants a great game in 3-D, this is a great choice!

Gameplay - 9/10

Easy to start off, reminiscent of DOS-esque Doom games in movement and style. Not much to complain about, but enemies seem to blend into the walls occasionally.

Graphics - 10/10

First class graphics, at least for a calculator that is!

Reasonably smooth, may be irritating for some people but you quickly get used to it.

Ease of use - 10/10

Opened without a fuss, controls are well laid out and are easy to use. Reference of the manual was necessary, but i do that anyway with all games

Depth - N/A

Havent gone too far in, so not much to say here

Overall score - 10/10

Unlike some other games, which tend to be fussy, require tedious installations of software and other ancillaries, Gemini does a fine job of keeping everything simple and provides an excellent game to amuse the entire row of students in any maths class!

See 7 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
gemini/src/gemini.z80   81427
gemini/src/tex16x16.inc   286
gemini/src/tex16x8.inc   918
gemini/src/tex24x24.inc   9990
gemini/src/tex32x32.inc   17882
gemini/src/tex8x8.inc   1183
gemini/src/tex96x16.inc   796
gemini/src/save.inc   233
gemini/src/level.inc   1222
gemini/src/levels.inc   17900
gemini/src/tbls.inc   13495
gemini/src/ion.inc   10079
gemini/src/extras.inc   1497
gemini/src/lzss/main.c   4266
gemini/src/tables/main.c   4132
gemini/docs/devlp.txt   6634
gemini/docs/blargh.txt   9109
gemini/gemini.83p   23896
gemini/gemini.8xp   23929
gemini/pics/gemini0001.gif   1281
gemini/pics/gemini0005.gif   1550
gemini/pics/gemini0007.gif   1484
gemini/pics/gemini0012.gif   1389
gemini/readme.txt   16379
gemini/gemini_ion.8xp   23900

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