FormsPro v1.46: Math Class Just Got A Whole Lot Easier!
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FormsPro v1.46: Math Class Just Got A Whole Lot Easier!
Forms Pro is the most in-depth and comprehensive math program ever. (This may get kind of long, so for a quick overview, just read the last two words). With 87+ formulas, and 45+ options, it undoubtedly the best math program ever. Forms Pro contains everything from the in-depth QUADRATIC FORMULA, to a 2-5 VARUABLE EQUATION SOLVER all in nice neat pretty order. Forms Pro also contains just about every AREA, LATERAL AREA, SURFACE AREA, VOLUME and PERIMETER formulas that their are. Forms Pro also contains many helpful triangle formulas such as the SSS,SAS,SAA,SSA and ASA. Also solves for any side of the PYTHAGOREAN THEROM. Forms Pro has a very neat SLOPES EQUATION for just about everything. Also Included is a very good X=GRAPHER that solves for all X= equations. Forms Pro also has some very helpful conversions, like STANDARD->SLOPE, and SLOPE->STANDARD. Forms Pro also has many more than that, but it also has EXTERA OPPTIONS, and a very nice section for editing almost all parts of the graph screen. And did I mention that it is all in one program, so you don't need to worry about a whole bunch of files. All this and much, much more in a program that is (needless to say) Simply Amazing.
David Krueger (
TI-83 BASIC Math Programs (Suites)
File Size
17,124 bytes
File Date and Time
Thu Mar 28 17:13:14 2002
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