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Sokoban 2.2


Ranked as 2986 on our all-time top downloads list with 9035 downloads.
Ranked as 14789 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename sokoban.zip (Download)
Title Sokoban 2.2
Description You are the warehouse keeper and you have to push the boxes to their correct positions in the warehouse. The boxes can only be pushed, never pulled, so you have to be careful not to push them into a corner where you can’t get them out again. You can only push one box at the time. This game includes 2750 levels.
Author Olivier Sangala (olivier.sangala@free.fr)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Puzzle)
File Size 209,903 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jul 6 14:09:18 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
readme.txt   4886
screen.gif   1824
sokoban.tpr   1255
sokoban.9xz   7843
sokoban.89z   7843
sokoban.c   16260
sokoban.h   1811
sokoban.o   16107
sokoban.v2z   7843
levels/soklvl00.89y   1130
levels/soklvl01.89y   12919
levels/soklvl02.89y   13346
levels/soklvl03.89y   9430
levels/soklvl04.89y   5098
levels/soklvl05.89y   6569
levels/soklvl06.89y   4415
levels/soklvl07.89y   2757
levels/soklvl08.89y   3393
levels/soklvl09.89y   20841
levels/soklvl10.89y   17941
levels/soklvl11.89y   1662
levels/soklvl12.89y   2153
levels/soklvl13.89y   1799
levels/soklvl14.89y   2430
levels/soklvl15.89y   3811
levels/soklvl16.89y   5674
levels/soklvl17.89y   4074
levels/soklvl18.89y   12532
levels/soklvl19.89y   5604
levels/soklvl20.89y   5489
levels/soklvl21.89y   2110
levels/soklvl22.89y   15406
levels/soklvl23.89y   7273
levels/soklvl24.89y   3448
levels/soklvl25.89y   7714
levels/soklvl26.89y   5582
levels/soklvl27.89y   4437
levels/soklvl28.89y   5501
levels/soklvl29.89y   4533
levels/soklvl30.89y   4135
levels/soklvl31.89y   19633
levels/soklvl32.89y   15745
levels/soklvl33.89y   11179
levels/soklvl34.89y   16278
levels/soklvl35.89y   3669
levels/soklvl36.89y   3495
levels/soklvl37.89y   3700
levels/soklvl38.89y   3719
levels/soklvl39.89y   1098
levels/soklvl40.89y   23052
levels/soklvl41.89y   2054
levels/soklvl42.89y   13930
levels/soklvl43.89y   15058
levels/soklvl44.89y   12300
levels/soklvl45.89y   13186
levels/soklvl46.89y   14341
levels/soklvl47.89y   14882
levels/soklvl48.89y   8523
levels/soklvl49.89y   2884
levels/soklvl50.89y   1494
levels/soklvl51.89y   5264
levels/soklvl52.89y   3505
levels/soklvl53.89y   4287
levels/soklvl54.89y   2388
levels/soklvl55.89y   8751
levels/soklvl56.89y   15167
levels/soklvl57.89y   591
levels/soklvl58.89y   2334
levels/soklvl59.89y   502
extgraph.a   320930
extgraph.h   102954
graphic.h   1640
menulib.c   1978
menulib.h   848
menulib.o   2713

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