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Gundam Sniper


Ranked as 6409 on our all-time top downloads list with 6245 downloads.
Ranked as 1622 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 18 downloads.

Filename gundsnip.8xp (Download)
Title Gundam Sniper
Description You must shoot blindly into the darkness with two long-range beam cannons to destroy a new Zeon prototype. All you have is your suit, your second-rate radar, and your wits.
Author Bryce Jameson (SmrtAlek18@aol.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Games (Chance)
File Size 1,937 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Feb 16 14:38:23 2002
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Andrew Lundeen
Reviewed on 2004-07-29
For being a fairly simple game with no bells or whistles, “Gundam Sniper” does what it is meant to do. It does give a slight bit of entertainment, a couple of times. So if you need a quick break in a calculus class, this can do just fine. However, in the grand scheme of games, this game has no staying power and no lasting effects on the gaming landscape. It will last less than five minutes before the average gamer puts it down forever. However, it does have one good merit. This game is the basic "guess the number in so many guesses" game. But it does it in a much better setting, and has decent graphics. By graphics, I mean two lines that shoot out as if lasers, but I am not being sarcastic. You simply search for the alien vessel or whatever, and shoot at it. The closer you are, the warmer the comment. So in this regard, this game goes above and beyond its genre, the basic guessing game.

So if you are curious, give it a whirl. It will not hold you for more than five minutes, but it can be a break for some people. It is obvious that the programmer just wanted something to do by the game, and also by his title: “Really Bored Productions.”


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