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E-Dice 2.10


Ranked as 31766 on our all-time top downloads list with 1658 downloads.
Ranked as 10456 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename edice210.zip (Download)
Title E-Dice 2.10
Description This program is a menu driven dice rolling program that is completely customizable. The menues are created dynamically from a custom dice database. (A list holding the dice information) This program took me a while, and utilizes a few nifty tricks to get it to work, so it might be useful for TI-85 programmers to check it out. The one problem with this program is it is slower than version 1.00, due to the fact that it creates the menues as it runs. This is the last version of this program, as I now use a TI-89. I hope that you find my little program useful.
Author Jason Kleinberg (jkleinberg@usa.net)
Category TI-85 BASIC Misc. Programs
File Size 2,624 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Dec 15 18:39:19 2001
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
EDice210.txt   2924
EDICE210.85G   2672

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