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TANX v1.14


Ranked as 3086 on our all-time top downloads list with 8880 downloads.
Ranked as 11025 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename tanx.zip (Download)
Title TANX v1.14
Description Fire 5 types of weapons over 2D terrain to blast your opponent.
Author Jonathan Anderson (jwa_276@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Strategy)
File Size 3,750 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Mar 14 02:16:04 2001
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Trevin Murakami
Reviewed on 2004-12-03
“TANX” is a pretty nice, compact “Tanks” game. It doesn't suck up all your memory, but isn't a skimpy program either. Firstly, I must rave about the very simple and easy to use interface. “TANX” has very easy menus with not much reading involved, and pretty simple key strokes.

I have a few minor dislikes, though. Primarily, it takes a long time to generate the terrain. It is worth the loading time , but just takes a little while. Also, sometimes the weapons seem a little unbalanced. Someone who wins the first battle generally should be able to win the rest because they can use all their extra money to pulverize the enemy.

However, there are several extremely well-done elements as well. First, there's the easy and simple way to play. Buy a few weapons, and load them up for a shootout. Switching weapons is very simple with a weapon selection menu, and there's no complicated angle measurements and stuff, just a little dot to point your shot. There are a few glitches, though. The round only explodes once the pixel is below ground. That means if it's falling really fast, it'll probably explode under the ground. Also, try setting your firing power to 0 and see what happens!

Overall, “TANX” is a very easy and simple game. It's nice, compact, quick, and still fun for that extra time during lunch.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
tanx114.txt   1178
TANX.8XP   5779

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