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ticalc.org provides parts of our site in RSS format for syndication. These feeds can be used for different things, for example:

» Personal News Aggregation
This way, you can use a news aggregation program to automatically check the RSS feeds of several sites. When content has updated, your aggregator will notify you. Most aggregators let you configure a polling interval when the feeds are updated. There are many different aggregation programs. Harvard Law maintains a list of some aggregators.

» Site News Aggregation
This way, you can use the feeds to put for example ticalc.org headlines on another site. For example, this technology is used by Slashdot to generate the Slashbox for ticalc.org that you can have appear on the main page by setting your account preferences.

» Almost Anything
Since the RSS feed is basically a simple XML file with a fixed schema, you can use it for anything where you need the information or parts thereof by writing some fairly simple code.

All ticalc.org RSS feeds are in RSS version 2.0 format unless otherwise specified.


The following RSS feeds are provided by ticalc.org:

» News Articles
This feed will contain the latest headlines and news stories. It does not include comments to these stories. A link to the story in question, including comments, is provided. This feed is updated at the same time our frontpage is. The update frequency is set to once per day, as news posts are normally not posted more often than that. Typical size is around 10Kb.
Note! If you are aggregating headlines for your own site, please consider using the headline feed (see below) if you don't actually need the contents of the article.

» News Headlines
This feed will contain the latest headlines only. It does not include the actual story or the comments to it. A link to the story in question, including comments, is provided. This feed is updated at the same time our frontpage is. The update frequency is set to once per day, as news posts are normally not posted more often than that. Typical size is around 3Kb.
Note! This feed is currently supplied in RSS 1.0 format.

» Featured Programs
This feed will contain a list of all featured programs in the past month. It is a great way to keep up to date with just the "big item" programs. This feed is updated at the same time the sidebar on the frontpage is, which is generally when a new featured program is added. The update frequency is set to once per day. Typical size is around 2-3Kb.

» Reviews
This feed will contain the 10 latest reviews of files in our archives. This feed is updated at the same time as the sidebar on the frontpage is, which is at least once per day. The update frequency is set to once per day. Typical size is around 2-3Kb.

» New Files
This feed will contain a list of all added or updated programs in our archives for the past 3 days. The feed is updated at the same time our frontpage is. The update frequency is set to every 6 hours. Typical size is 50Kb or larger.
Note! This is a high volume feed that changes often.

Can you think of another type of feed you'd like to see? Let us know!

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