Re: TI-H: radio link...what's stopping us?


Re: TI-H: radio link...what's stopping us?

Winmodems slow down the computer since the computer has to figure out what
is going on...

Atleast the software modems Apple makes have their own DSP and appear to be
an actual modem, not some foreign thing.

>well... my point was that winmodems are for some business guy that is gonna
>use windows his whole life. There are a lot of them out there too.
>Basically every non-mac person that uses AOL has the ability to use a
>winmodem. (AOL is only for MacOS and Windows, right?) Only few of those
>people would become a computer hacker and begin to use linux. You don't
>need to worry, because the modem companies know that people all over the
>world use windows and only windows. Other modem companies realize that
>Mac's are making a come-back (I guess) and many many people use
>BeOS/OS2/Linux/etc. Those companies get the rest of the market as well as
>some of the Windows market. I'm just saying that there is a market for
>winmodems, but you cannot complain because there are plenty of
>hardware-controlled modems out there.
>At 10:50 AM 2/13/99 -0900, you wrote:
>>I have done reasearch.  Dan, its basically a 16bit soundcard with a DSP
>>there to mess with the sound information.
>>The ONLY thing that is good is the price, but we all know you get what you
>>pay for.
>>I have many modems and one winmodem.  Can't use a wm in dos?  linux?
>>pretty good...
>>Another reason its cheeper is because it lacks the circutry to look like a
>>real modem.  Its easier to just make all of the firmware reside on the PC
>>side.  :/
>>>no... it isn't stupid... research it before you speak. I am sure there is a
>>>perfectly good reason for designing it as a winmodem. Also, the only
>>>"stupid" thing, would be the person that buys it if they would ever use it
>>>with something other than windows (which for most people is unlikely, so
>>>At 03:37 PM 2/10/99 -0900, you wrote:
>>>>No...  Thats common knowlege in the linux community.
>>>>>I am curious grant, what is the purpose of your post?  Do you just want
>>>>>to make sure we are all aware of your opinions?
>>>>>Grant Stockly wrote:
>>>>>> The winmodem, or anything else designed only for windows is stupid...
>>>>>> >Perhaps you haven't heard of the 'winmodem'.  There are people out
>>>>>> >who design things stupidly.
