Re: TI-H: linux...


Re: TI-H: linux...

> The program for linux, crashes a computer running windows 95 or 31.  I've
> tested it at school.  It can do a domain wipe and the entire school goes.
> :)
> Got it set on auto delay.  Every 18th all the puters don't work.  Thats the
> day the computer cordinator tried to install FoolProof.  :\
>> I meant the winsock.dll and wsock32.vxd  (sp?)
>> Grant Stockly wrote:
>>> "Butt Trumpet" or any other program similar for linux will blue screen any
>>> computer running Trumpet Winsock.  :)
>>>> I used to work for AOL. They do know what they are saying; even when you
>>>> use the
>>>> winsock connection to the network you are using there DHCP server's IP
>>>> address
>>>> assigned to your machine and it does route threw a proxie. Although I
>>>> personally
>>>> hate AOL as a provider after working for them I do see it has some nice
>>>> features
>>>> that new users and intermeditate users can enjoy...

Are you implying you can "nuke" me, Grant, just because I use winsock
(or AOL)?  I'd like to see anyone try, IM me and I will give you my IP.
Then we'll see how sucky my AOL connection is.  ("Ping -f" is cheating.)
