Re: TI-H: Port voltage


Re: TI-H: Port voltage

A byte is 8 bits.  A bit is either 1 or 0.  TIP is the TI protocal, which is
what the calcs use to "talk" to eachother.

-Miles Raymond

-----Original Message-----
From: Progger <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, October 24, 1998 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: TI-H: Port voltage

>So how would I go about determining if its 1 or 0?  Do these 1 and 0s come
in multiples of 4 to create a byte? and what is the alternate method you
refered to as tips?
>*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
>On 10/24/98, at 3:38 PM, Grant Stockly  wrote:
>>>Does the TI link port have a certain voltage for each character sent
>>>during a transmission?
>>>If not, how could I interprete the data using circuitry or voltage?
>>No.  Its not an analogue signal.
>>its either 1, or 0.  You have to either make a protocol or use tip.