Re: TI-H: This is for you robert


Re: TI-H: This is for you robert

If Microsoft supported Rhaspody, they'd lose out in the OS market...are
you sure about this?  Microsoft supports various platforms, but not other
OSs (with the exception of MacOS--can't piss off the Justice Department
too much!).  Microsoft is planning to release NT5 for the Intel, Alpha,
and the Mac 750 chips.  On the other hand, Intel will be (fairly?) soon
releasing the Merced chip which is a fundamental shift from CISC to RISC
architecture.  Moving away from the rather shakey x86 CISC line, should
put them head-to-head with other RISC based chip manufacturers.

	 Windows NT System Administrator

On Sat, 28 Mar 1998, Grant Stockly wrote:

> infact micro is half supporting rasphody which will cover for those left
> with intel machines...  can you tell microsoft is trying to move away from
> intel and on to the 750 and alpha?  intel is already trying to get the
> justice guys out there...
> >I love my PC, but this is WRONG.
> >He's right, Win98 will be the FINAL release of the windows series. NT5.0 is
> >(a) faster
> >(b) multi-platform
> >(c) kewler than 98
> >and (d) easier for microsoft to maintain just one OS
> >
> >>newer versions of windows as much as he can keep making profits :~)
> >>
> >>
