Re: TI-H: Ministik UUE Part 1 of 7


Re: TI-H: Ministik UUE Part 1 of 7

You must be using Netscape or some other mail program that automatically
puts the files together. It will no longer be text files.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Kalos <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, July 18, 1998 10:41 PM
Subject: Re: TI-H: Ministik UUE Part 1 of 7

>I would've loved to have used this, but part 1 came up as a zip file, and
>it to see the text proved that it sure wasn't a UUE.  For that matter, it's
not a
>valid zipfile either!!!
>Well, if anyone has better luck, please mail part 1 to me, or, if you're
>really generous, the whole damn thing in a more modern format.  I see why
>still has a purpose (juno and other zero attach services), but for the rest
of us,
>it's a bit less friendly.
>Larry G Currie wrote:
>>                       Name: ministik.ZIP
>>    ministik.ZIP       Type: Zip Compressed Data
>>                   Encoding: x-uuencode
